Legacy Planning with Life Insurance
Webinar Recording

When it comes to financial goals and objectives, most of us would rather focus on accumulation and growth of our assets rather than the risk of loss.
However, the preservation of wealth and risk management are equally important and foundational to any good financial plan.
In this webinar replay, United Benefits Specialist, Cristi Lorentz, covers:
- Survivor Benefits for FERS
- Social Security Benefit and FEHB for Survivors
- The Importance of a Will
- FEGLI (Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance)
- Group Insurance Coverage vs. Private Policies
- How to Calculate How Much Life Insurance You Need
- Tax Considerations
Watch the replay to learn how to build your legacy with life insurance!
Learn how to build your legacy with life insurance.
United Benefits
Protecting your paycheck. Protecting your life. Protecting your retirement.