FERS Retirement Decoded Webinar Recording
FERS Retirement Decoded Webinar Recording As the year ends, many federal employees are preparing for retirement or exploring their options. United Benefits Retirement Specialist, Ryan Boggus, does an in-depth look at the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). Ryan...
Navigating FEHB Open Season: A Guide to Choosing the Right Health Insurance Plan Webinar Recording
Navigating FEHB Open Season: A Guide to Choosing the Right Health Insurance Plan Webinar Recording The Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season is here, running through December 9, 2024! Choosing the best healthcare plan for you and your family can feel...
Roth IRA & TSP Masterclass: Maximizing Your Retirement Savings
Roth IRA & TSP Masterclass: Maximizing Your Retirement Savings Webinar Recording Curious about a Roth IRA or the Thrift Savings Plan Roth account but unsure if it's the right move? United Benefits Retirement Specialist, Ryan Boggus, breaks down the essentials of...
Greatest Benefit of Being a Federal Employee Webinar Recording
The Greatest Benefit of Being a Federal Employee Webinar Recording You don't want to miss the replay of this special message. United Benefits President, Matt Whitten, delivers a special message ALL federal employees should hear. Watch the recording to explore the...
3 Key Retirement Decisions Webinar Recording
3 Key Retirement Decisions Webinar Recording Retiring from federal service can seem daunting, and it can be not easy to know where to start. United Benefits Retirement Specialist, Zach Peck, covers: FERS Pension Choosing Survivor's Benefits for Your Spouse Carrying...
Supplemental Benefits Webinar Recording
Supplemental Benefits Webinar Recording Making informed decisions to close coverage gaps and protect your paycheck is crucial. United Benefits Specialist, Christopher Lee, covers: An overview of Short-Term Disability insurance Understanding Critical Illness plans The...
Best Day to Retire Webinar Recording
Best Day to Retire Webinar Recording We understand that your personal reasons for retirement are unique and important, and they should be balanced with financial considerations when choosing a retirement date. United Benefits Retirement Specialist, Paul Thornton,...
The Federal Millionaire Series: Your Financial Guide Webinar Recording
The Federal Millionaire Series: Your Financial Guide Webinar Recording A financial guide doesn't have to be complicated or lengthy, but it is essential whether you are just starting your career or are towards the end. United Benefits Specialist, Ryan Boggus, covers:...
Legacy Planning with Life Insurance Webinar Recording
Legacy Planning with Life Insurance Webinar Recording When it comes to financial goals and objectives, most of us would rather focus on accumulation and growth of our assets rather than the risk of loss. However, the preservation of wealth and risk management are...

TSP vs. IRA: What Federal Employees Need to Know
Recent changes in federal employment have many wondering about their TSP. While the TSP offers low fees and agency matching, is that enough? Learn how TSP compares to IRAs and discover if you’re maximizing your retirement potential.

What Could Change with the TSP?
What could change with the TSP under this administration? The President of the United States can influence changes to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) indirectly through legislative action or by signing bills passed by Congress. However, direct authority to make changes...

Interim Pay Status: Are you prepared to go months in retirement without full pay?
Are you prepared to go months in retirement without full pay? Processing your annuity cannot begin until after your date of separation from your agency for retirement. Your agency will complete your retirement package and submit it to the payroll office, then issue...

FEGLI: Understanding the Costs and Coverage Changes
1. Cost Increases Dramatically Over Time One of the most significant drawbacks of FEGLI is the escalating cost. As you age, premiums increase steeply, making the program much more expensive. For many federal employees, this cost spike can strain retirement budgets....

FEHB & Retirement
If you meet the retirement or separation from service requirements and have maintained your FEHB for five years, you will be eligible to maintain FEHB coverage into retirement. This is a valuable part of your retirement package, as it provides the same coverage you’re...

FEHB & Medicare
What are my options for coordinating FEHB and Medicare in retirement? There are three primary options for coordinating your FEHB benefits and Medicare in retirement. All options provide excellent health coverage, and United Benefits has Medicare specialists who can...

What is Military Buyback?
What is Military Buyback? Military buyback allows federal civilian employees who have served in the military to "buy back" that service time for retirement purposes. This means you can count your military service towards your civilian federal retirement which can...

Fork in the Road Update: Early Retirement Now Available for Eligible Employees
The Office of Personnel Management has updated its FAQ section about the "Fork in the Road" Deferred resignation offer to include information on VERA: "Employees who are eligible for the deferred resignation offer and are at least age 50 with at least 20 years...

Understanding Pre-Existing Conditions and Your Insurance
What is a Pre-Existing Condition? A pre-existing condition refers to any illness or injury you had before enrolling in a health insurance plan. These conditions can range from chronic diseases like asthma, cancer, and heart disease to injuries or illnesses that a...
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