Retirement Planning Archives - United Benefits
Best Day to Retire Webinar Recording

Best Day to Retire Webinar Recording

Best Day to Retire Webinar Recording We understand that your personal reasons for retirement are unique and important, and they should be balanced with financial considerations when choosing a retirement date. United Benefits Retirement Specialist, Paul Thornton,...
How to Grow & Protect Your Thrift Savings Plan Webinar Recording

How to Grow & Protect Your Thrift Savings Plan Webinar Recording

How to Grow & Protect Your Thrift Savings Plan Webinar Recording The TSP is the third part of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), along with pension and Social Security, and the part that the employee has the most control over and decisions to make. To...
The Value of Your Defined Benefits Webinar Recording

The Value of Your Defined Benefits Webinar Recording

The Value of Your Defined Benefits Webinar Recording Federal employees may not always be paid what they deserve, however, if you take advantage of the retirement and benefit options, you can take a couple of pieces and retire financially secure. In this webinar...
GRB Platform Walkthrough Webinar Recording

GRB Platform Walkthrough Webinar Recording

GRB Platform Walkthrough Webinar Recording The GRB Platform allows employees to digitally complete their retirement paperwork and requires them to make irreversible decisions about their benefits. United Benefits Specialist, Paul Thornton, does a deep dive into the...