The Value of Your Defined Benefits
Webinar Recording

Federal employees may not always be paid what they deserve, however, if you take advantage of the retirement and benefit options, you can take a couple of pieces and retire financially secure.
In this webinar replay, United Benefits Specialist, Alan Kwan, helps you understand how to maximize your benefit so that you can retire as a “federal millionaire.” Alan covers:
- How your retirement amount is calculated
- Benefits available for spouses
- The true value of your pension
- Early and deferred retirement
- The 4% rule
- The FERS annuity supplement
- How to earn a 10% increase in your monthly benefit
- Inflation and cost of living adjustments
- Planning and applying for retirement
Watch the replay to explore the cornerstone of your federal benefits package – your pension!
Explore the cornerstone of your federal benefits package – your pension.
United Benefits
Protecting your paycheck. Protecting your life. Protecting your retirement.