Protecting your paycheck. Protecting your life. Protecting your retirement.
Navigating a Reduction in Force (RIF): What Federal Employees Need to Know
In the Federal Government, layoffs are called reduction in force (RIF) actions. When an agency must abolish positions, the RIF regulations determine...
5 Things Every Federal Employee Should Know Before Separating from Service
Whether you accepted the deferred resignation offer, retire from federal service, or your position is ultimately eliminated, there are five things...
What are VERA & VSIP?
What is VERA? VERA, often called an "early out," stands for Voluntary Early Retirement Authority and allows eligible FERS employees to retire...
Health Share Programs
Exploring Health Share Programs as a Cost-Saving Alternative Health insurance can be confusing and expensive. If you’re one of the many people who...
TSP vs. IRA: What Federal Employees Need to Know
Recent changes in federal employment have many wondering about their TSP. While the TSP offers low fees and agency matching, is that enough? Learn how TSP compares to IRAs and discover if you’re maximizing your retirement potential.
What Could Change with the TSP?
What could change with the TSP under this administration? The President of the United States can influence changes to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)...
Interim Pay Status: Are you prepared to go months in retirement without full pay?
Are you prepared to go months in retirement without full pay? Processing your annuity cannot begin until after your date of separation from your...
FEGLI: Understanding the Costs and Coverage Changes
1. Cost Increases Dramatically Over Time One of the most significant drawbacks of FEGLI is the escalating cost. As you age, premiums increase...
FEHB & Retirement
If you meet the retirement or separation from service requirements and have maintained your FEHB for five years, you will be eligible to maintain...
FEHB & Medicare
What are my options for coordinating FEHB and Medicare in retirement? There are three primary options for coordinating your FEHB benefits and...
What is Military Buyback?
What is Military Buyback? Military buyback allows federal civilian employees who have served in the military to "buy back" that service time for...
Fork in the Road Update: Early Retirement Now Available for Eligible Employees
The Office of Personnel Management has updated its FAQ section about the "Fork in the Road" Deferred resignation offer to include information on...
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