Protecting your paycheck. Protecting your life. Protecting your retirement.
Spring Cleaning for Your Finances- 6 Steps to Get Your Financial Household in Order
Spring Cleaning for Your Finances - 6 Steps to Get Your Financial Household in Order While the cold of winter is not over for many regions of the...
What Do I Do if a Federal Employee Dies?
Whether you are preparing for the future or if your loved one was a federal employee, it can be difficult to sort through the various processes and...
Maximize Your Savings with Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)
As an employee within the Executive branch or an agency adopting the Federal Flexible Benefits Plan, you're presented with a valuable opportunity:...
The Advantages of Choosing an Independent Insurance Agent
Personalized Insurance Solutions Whether you are looking for individual health, Medicare, home and auto, or life insurance, there are many reasons...
What are my options if I missed FEHB open season?
If you missed the FEHB open season, there's no need to worry. You still have options to adjust your healthcare coverage. You can adjust your...
How to Become a Millionaire with Your TSP
Becoming a millionaire may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and a long-term perspective, it is possible to reach this financial...
What is Preventative Care?
Understanding Preventative Care Under the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, made significant strides in health care by...
Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care After Age 65
After the age of 65, long-term care planning becomes a cornerstone of maintaining your quality of life and independence. As you age, the likelihood...
Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care in Your Mid-50s & Early 60s
The Need for a Solid Plan As you approach your mid-50s to early 60s, it's crucial to plan for long-term care. This is the time to consider various...
Historic 2024 Federal Pay Raise Marks a Significant Milestone
In a remarkable turn of events, 2024 has ushered in the highest federal pay raise in over four decades. This development, marking a historic 5.2%...
Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care Before Age 50
Early Planning: A Wise Choice Looking at long-term care planning before you turn 50 is a proactive step that can significantly ease your future....
Selecting a Federal Dental Plan
Federal Dental Plans 101 Federal dental plans can be added, dropped or changed during each annual enrollment period. Federal employees, federal...
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