Retire Ready eBook

Your Guide to a Sound Transition from Federal Employment to Retirement
There are two retirement systems covering Federal Employees, the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). Your coverage depends primarily upon when you were first employed by the Federal Government and/or whether you transferred to the new system. Retirement planning should include planning across several areas, such as planning for your retirement benefits as well as financial, tax, and estate planning. We hope you find this guide informative and helpful along your journey into retirement.
The information provided in this packet is intended to help with the decisions you will make for retirement. The information has been divided into the following sections:
- Federal Retirement Systems
- FEGLI & Social Security
- Preparing for Retirement
- Thrift Savings Plan
- Budgeting
- Pension Guide
We will discuss a variety of topics during our meeting. We invite you to ask any questions you might have. Some of the more popular topics covered in our one-on-one appointments are as follows:
- The most beneficial time to retire
- Your approximate retirement benefits and how to compute them
- Survivor Benefits
- TSP options, including loans, withdrawals, and rollovers
- Insurance Benefits
We hope you will find the answers to your questions through our services. Remember, retirement is not a step but a journey, so prepare well.