Solving the Retirement Puzzle
At United Benefits we start by researching your employee retirement system. Often an employee’s retirement package is a complex multi-tier system that can include: 401k, TSP, Pension, Social Security, Health Insurance, Medicare, and Survivor Benefits. We understand many employees are not informed about their retirement and make decisions that are irrevocable and can cost thousands. Therefore, United Benefits has trained retirement specialists on staff to help you understand your retirement options. We offer one-on-one retirement assistance and classes to members.
Retirement Support
- Assisting with Retirement Paperwork
- Helping Set Retirement Goals
- Understanding Options Before and After Retirement
- Creating a Budget
- TSP and 401(k) Strategies
- IRA Options to Fit Your Goals
- What happens to your employee group life insurance (FEGLI)
- Survivor Annuity Options
- Pension Max
- Calculating your Pension
- Social Security Strategy
- Calculating Retirement Date
Planning for retirement starts the day you’re hired. United Benefits Retirement Specialists can help you explore your options for every piece of the retirement puzzle.
Enroll in the
Retirement Benefits Puzzle Email Course
Enter your email to enroll in our free 8-part email course on retirement. Each week you’ll receive valuable information about a different part of your retirement along with strategies on how to maximize your benefits.

Get in touch with a United Benefits Retirement Specialist
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