unitedbenefits, Author at United Benefits - Page 11 of 20
The Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Procedures

The Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Procedures

The Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Procedures It’s essential to understand the difference between inpatient and outpatient care, especially when it comes to knowing how your insurance covers claims and what you’ll have to pay out of pocket....
Agreement Offers All Federal Employees Access to UNA Education

Agreement Offers All Federal Employees Access to UNA Education

Great news! The University of North Alabama (UNA) has joined forces with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management as part of the Federal Academic Alliance. This makes UNA one of only a few colleges in the country to offer reduced tuition rates to over 2 million federal...
How the BENES Act Impacts Medicare

How the BENES Act Impacts Medicare

What is the BENES Act? The Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification Act, also known as the BENES Act, was designed to help those who are Medicare eligible but are not collecting social security. The BENES Act was signed into law in 2020 and...
How do I enroll in Medicare?

How do I enroll in Medicare?

Applying for Medicare can be confusing depending on your specific situation. It is important to know how to apply based on the timing of your situation. If you are collecting social security… If you are collecting social security, you will automatically be...
Post-Retirement: Final Destination

Post-Retirement: Final Destination

You did it! You completed your federal career and have transitioned into retirement. A hearty congratulations are in order. You worked hard, and now a new journey begins. With that journey comes a few decisions about your benefits. The topics below cover the main...