The Civil Service Retirement System is a defined benefit contributory pension plan. It was established August 1st, 1920, and was later replaced by FERS in 1987. If you became a federal worker before 1987, then more than likely calculating your retirement funds and...
Retirement under the Federal Employee Retirement System doesn’t affect government workers alone. If you’re a federal employee, you’ve probably also been choosing and arranging your coverage to provide for your family under FERS as well. No one wants to imagine what...
Several different government agencies are covered under Special Provision Retirement, which differs slightly from the traditional Federal Employee Retirement System. In short, a number of government careers which involve more physical or mental stress are provided...
As a FERS Federal Employee you have a three component retirement system, FERS Pension, Social Security, and Thrifts Savings Plan. Depending on your Minimum Retirement Age (MRA), with at least 30 years of service you can begin receiving your FERS annuity...
1. WHAT IS MY FERS ANNUITY? Your FERS Annuity is, in short, the pension you receive from the Federal Employee Retirement System. After you retire, you’ll receive monthly annuity payments from the government for the rest of your life. 2. HOW DO I COMPUTE...
As a federal employee, you may be wondering exactly how much money is being deducted per paycheck for your retirement. First, we need to take a look at what items are considered part of your retirement package. Federal Employees make contributions toward (and receive)...