Retirement Planning Archives - Page 3 of 5 - United Benefits
Post-Retirement: Final Destination

Post-Retirement: Final Destination

Post-Retirement:Final Destination Webinar Recording After retirement, there are still decisions to be made to ensure that you are maximizing your benefits. United Benefits Specialist, Cristi Lorentz, helps you answer questions like: How do I coordinate FEHB and...
Pre-Retirement: Are We There Yet?

Pre-Retirement: Are We There Yet?

Pre-Retirement Are We There Yet? Webinar Recording As you look towards retirement, you can begin to secure your finances and set the goals necessary to smoothly transition into retirement. United Benefits Specialist, Paul Thornton, provides a comprehensive look at...
Mid-Career Check-In: Are You on Track?

Mid-Career Check-In: Are You on Track?

Mid-Career Check-In:Are You on Track? Webinar Recording As you continue your career, it’s a good idea to periodically check in and ensure you are on track. Are you utilizing all of your benefits? Will you have enough money to retire? United Benefits Specialist,...
How to Navigate Your Benefits in Your New Career

How to Navigate Your Benefits in Your New Career

How to Navigate Your Benefits in Your New Career Webinar Recording When you begin a new career, you have a number of decisions regarding your benefits that need to be made. Drew Lorentz, Benefits Specialist, discussed the various benefits options that are available to...
How Does Your TSP Compare?

How Does Your TSP Compare?

How Does Your TSP Compare? Webinar Recording Your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a major piece of your retirement income. United Benefits Specialists, Alan Kwan and Jake Ford, did a deep dive into the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and alternatives that may be available to...