unitedbenefits, Author at United Benefits
What are VERA & VSIP?

What are VERA & VSIP?

What is VERA? VERA, often called an “early out,” stands for Voluntary Early Retirement Authority and allows eligible FERS employees to retire earlier than they normally could under standard retirement rules. It’s a tool agencies use during...
Health Share Programs

Health Share Programs

Exploring Health Share Programs as a Cost-Saving Alternative Health insurance can be confusing and expensive. If you’re one of the many people who don’t qualify for a subsidy through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you might be searching for cost-saving alternatives...
TSP vs. IRA: What Federal Employees Need to Know

TSP vs. IRA: What Federal Employees Need to Know

Since news of the deferred resignation program first emerged, many federal employees have wondered if negative changes could also be coming to the Thrift Savings Plan and how they could be impacted. In this article, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of...