unitedbenefits, Author at United Benefits - Page 2 of 18
What are my options if I missed FEHB open season?

What are my options if I missed FEHB open season?

If you missed the FEHB open season, there’s no need to worry. You still have options to adjust your healthcare coverage. You can adjust your coverage through FEHB if you have a qualifying life event or you can add additional supplemental insurance plans to close...
How to Become a Millionaire with Your TSP

How to Become a Millionaire with Your TSP

Becoming a millionaire may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and a long-term perspective, it is possible to reach this financial milestone. One way to work towards becoming a millionaire is by saving and investing through the Thrift Savings Plan...
What is Preventative Care?

What is Preventative Care?

Understanding Preventative Care Under the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, made significant strides in health care by ensuring that preventative care is fully covered in all plans under the Act. This includes employer-sponsored group health...
Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care After Age 65

Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care After Age 65

After the age of 65, long-term care planning becomes a cornerstone of maintaining your quality of life and independence. As you age, the likelihood of requiring assistance with daily activities or medical care increases. Planning for long-term care is not just about...
Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care in Your Mid-50s & Early 60s

Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care in Your Mid-50s & Early 60s

The Need for a Solid Plan As you approach your mid-50s to early 60s, it’s crucial to plan for long-term care. This is the time to consider various care options and prepare both financially and emotionally for future healthcare needs. Key Points to Consider...