Federal Benefits Archives - Page 7 of 8 - United Benefits
What is the FERS Annuity and How Do I Compute Mine?

What is the FERS Annuity and How Do I Compute Mine?

  1. WHAT IS MY FERS ANNUITY? Your FERS Annuity is, in short, the pension you receive from the Federal Employee Retirement System. After you retire, you’ll receive monthly annuity payments from the government for the rest of your life.   2. HOW DO I COMPUTE...
What Does My Retirement Cost Today?

What Does My Retirement Cost Today?

As a federal employee, you may be wondering exactly how much money is being deducted per paycheck for your retirement. First, we need to take a look at what items are considered part of your retirement package. Federal Employees make contributions toward (and receive)...
When Am I Eligible for my FERS Retirement?

When Am I Eligible for my FERS Retirement?

  This article only pertains to FERS and qualifying for full immediate retirement. Look for future blogs on special provisions and additional retirement options with the FERS retirement system.   WHAT FACTORS AFFECT MY ELIGIBILITY TO DRAW FROM FERS? Your...
Federal Employee Retirement System Overview

Federal Employee Retirement System Overview

  1. WHAT IS THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM? The Federal Employee Retirement System (also known as “FERS”) was created by Congress on January 1st, 1987. It is comprised of three parts (think of them as three separate paychecks): FERS Pension Social...
Sick & Annual Leave

Sick & Annual Leave

SICK LEAVE VS. ANNUAL LEAVE: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Sick leave is a paid absence from duty for any of the following: Personal Medical Needs Family Care Bereavement Care of family members with a serious health condition Adoption-Related Purposes Annual leave is...
Option C with FEGLI

Option C with FEGLI

Eligible new employees are automatically enrolled in FEGLI Basic unless they waive the coverage. You may have enrolled in FEGLI Option C for your family coverage. Like all the other options, you must have basic enrollment in order to be eligible for this plan. FEGLI...