We at United Benefits know that this is a difficult and confusing time for everyone, and we want to do what we can to help. In an effort to protect our clients and employees from further spread of the virus, we have transitioned our agents from on-site visits to phone consultations, virtual meetings and webinars. We will be offering these services free of charge to all whether you are a current client or not. While we are certainly not healthcare experts and cannot offer advice in that arena, we are specialists in the federal space of benefits and retirement. This is our opportunity to serve in this pandemic crisis and we are committed to doing our part. Click Here to request your free 30-minute consultation.
3 Things to Consider During this Time
1. Protect Your Paycheck– We have always recommended our clients have 3-6 months of expenses saved for an emergency, but we realize that not everyone has had the ability to do so. If you do not have that amount saved currently, set a goal to start saving a little more each paycheck. Figure out an amount that you would need to meet the essentials- food, utilities, shelter & transportation. In addition, consider a short-term disability policy that would pay benefits directly to you if you did have to miss work due to a covered accident or illness. You may even be eligible for a discounted group rate. Click HERE to learn more.
Protect Your Loved Ones– This is a great time to review your beneficiary designations (pension, life insurance & Thrift Savings Plan, etc.) and make sure they are up to date. We all want to protect those closest to us, so ensure that your benefits would go to the correct person(s). You also want to review your life insurance amounts, especially if you have had a life changing event recently and/or you have young children. For help with changing beneficiaries or for a Life Insurance Plan,
Click HERE.
Protect Your Retirement– Given the level of market volatility, many of our clients are justifiably concerned about their retirement accounts. It is best not to panic in these situations and let emotion lead you into a poor decision. Instead stick to your plan, control what you can, and prepare. If you need help with planning for retirement, whether it be calculating your pension amounts at various ages, estimating Social Security benefits, and/or understanding your options with your Thrift Savings Plan, please
Click HERE.
We understand the concern that many in our communities are experiencing, and our thoughts are with those affected, their families, and those who are serving. United Benefits’ mission is to assist federal employees, in good times and in bad, and we are committed to helping all of our clients through this crisis. Remember: stick to your plan, control what you can, and prepare. We are here to help, reach out and we will be here to assist you.